Do you believe that going to bed early can get rid of dark circles? In fact, it is not. Some dark circles are unavoidable even if you sleep early. Dark circles, eye bags, tear troughs, and fine lines are all problems that can occur if you don’t take proper care of your under-eye area.
Popular Treatments for Eye Bags & Dark Circles

Dual Laser Treatment
It is a combination of Dual Yellow Laser Treatment and Helios Fractional Laser Treatment. The dual yellow laser can improve acne red marks while Helios Fractional Laser treatment is explicitly used to treat black acne marks by eliminating each layer of the skin, targeting chromophore or melanin with a much lower temperature.
- Collagen Restoration
- Skin and Tissue Damage Repair
- Protects Your Skin From Problems Associated With Your Period
- Scalp Health and Hair Growth
- Reduced Appearance of Stretch Marks
PLINEST and NEWEST mainly inject ingredients into the skin layer to help repair damaged skin, so it can be combined with other beauty treatments, such as Laser, filler injection, Botox, surgery, and acupuncture treatment.

Dual Laser Technique

Sun exposure, injury and other laser therapy cause hyperactivity of red vessels (VEGF).

Hyperactive red vessels attached to melanocyte receptors, which increase melanin production, thus cause hyperpigmentation.

Single laser technique deliver their power with destructive actions. More power is required to go deeper which cause damage and hyperactivity of red vessels.

With our signature Dual Laser Technique, it can break down pigment and reduce hyperactive red vessels at the same time. As a result, it is safe, effective and with low relapse rate of your pigmentation.

Dual Laser Treatment
- Skin Brightening
- Removal of Pigment
- Reduction of Acne
- Overall Skin Rejuvenation
Our laser is a combination of 2 lasers 【Dual Yellow + Helios Pico 785】, which gives you the best glowing skin.
Helios Laser is that it can target melanin, perfectly avoiding the troubles of traditional lasers: skin damage and skin thinning.
With the combination of Dual Yellow Laser and Helios Laser, your pigmentation problems might improve obviously, and your skin will become fairer and more radiant within 1-2 treatments.
It can greatly improve your problems of having allergies and skin redness, and there will be no “bloody scene” during your laser treatment.