Do you have pigmentation issues, which is having some dark spots on your face or uneven skin tone? For your information, sun damage is the common cause of pigmentation that we often hear about, and pigmentation actually brings more impacts than we thought. Pigmentation issues include freckles, melasma, age spots, birthmarks etc.

Freckles are extra pigment under the skin, and it might get more when you grow older. Harmful rays from sunlight will cause freckles to be darker and more obvious but don’t worry, treatments can help in fading freckles.

Melasma is often called the “mask of pregnancy” as it is most likely to develop during pregnancy due to the hormonal changes. Having melasma will experience light brown, dark brown and/or blue-gray patches on the skin.

Age spots are small, dark areas on the skin due to excess production of pigment. They are most frequent in people in their forties and fifties, especially if you spend a lot of time in the sun.

Birthmarks are skin irregularities that appear when a baby is born. There are two types of birthmarks, vascular birthmarks which are usually red and pigmented birthmarks which cause colours in skin.
Popular Treatments for Pigmentation
Pigmentation could be removed/lightened through different treatments; the following are some of the most frequent treatments for pigmentation. Further details and customized treatments shall be carried out after professional consultations.

Popular Treatments for Pigmentation
Pigmentation could be removed/lightened through different treatments; the following are some of the most frequent treatments for pigmentation. Further details and customized treatments shall be carried out after professional consultations.

Medical Grade Skincare
We will help to pair you up with the right pigmentation medical cream in order to blend out freckles, melasma, age spots, and birthmarks. Medical grade skincare is a safe way to correct pigmentation as our products are registered, and our team will recommend skincare based on your skin type.

Dual Laser Treatment
It is a combination of Dual Yellow Laser Treatment and Helios Fractional Laser Treatment. The dual yellow laser can improve melisma, acne damage, and various other skin lesions and discoloration while Helios Fractional Laser treatment is explicitly used to treat pigmentation problems by eliminating each layer of the skin, targeting chromophore or melanin with a much lower temperature.
NanoMD® Bright
- Skin Whitening
- Reduce dark spots
- Moisturize the skin
- Reduce acne/acne scars
A supplement that use Nano technology to give better absorption.
An oral supplement for skin protection, nutrition, and brightening. This product owns a number of U.S. and International patents and can help repair your body from the inside out.
NANOMD®️ is also suitable for people of all ages, regardless of adolescents, busy working adults, or even oldies.

Dual Laser Technique

Sun exposure, injury and other laser therapy cause hyperactivity of red vessels (VEGF).

Hyperactive red vessels attached to melanocyte receptors, which increase melanin production, thus cause hyperpigmentation.

Single laser technique deliver their power with destructive actions. More power is required to go deeper which cause damage and hyperactivity of red vessels.

With our signature Dual Laser Technique, it can break down pigment and reduce hyperactive red vessels at the same time. As a result, it is safe, effective and with low relapse rate of your pigmentation.

Dual Laser Treatment
- Skin Brightening
- Removal of Pigment
- Reduction of Acne
- Overall Skin Rejuvenation
Our laser is a combination of 2 lasers 【Dual Yellow + Helios Pico 785】, which gives you the best glowing skin.
Helios Laser is that it can target melanin, perfectly avoiding the troubles of traditional lasers: skin damage and skin thinning.
With the combination of Dual Yellow Laser and Helios Laser, your pigmentation problems might improve obviously, and your skin will become fairer and more radiant within 1-2 treatments.
It can greatly improve your problems of having allergies and skin redness, and there will be no “bloody scene” during your laser treatment.
- Hot Flush
- Freckles
- Whitening
- Fine Wrinkles
- Pore Care and Tightening
Sylfirm X is the latest version of radiofrequency microneedling energy device Sylfirm. It is clinically proven to safely and effectively address a skin problems, including wrinkles, fine lines, redness, acne scarring, large pores and dull skin.
Dual Yellow Laser & Sylfirm Treatment combination therapy can effectively reduce face redness while repair the damage skin to healthy skin.

Helios IV Pico 785 Laser
- Safety
- Stability
- Effectivity
- High Peak Power
- High Energy
HELIOS IV PICO 785 breaks industry standards with the latest technology, making major advances in performance, reliability, innovation and therapeutic effectiveness. It is definitely an expert when it comes to pigmentation. With the continuous advancement of technology, this technology can effectively treat pigmented spots. Additionally, there is no delay period (such as redness and swelling on the face). It also has the effect of skin whitening and conditioning.